Sensible Browser Feature

Make the file browser behave

1. Support

Since: NeoMutt 2016-09-10

Dependencies: None

2. Introduction

The sensible browser is a set of small changes to NeoMutt's mailbox browser which make the browser behave in a more predictable way.

The behavior is divided into two use cases: Fixed Order; Variable Order.

2.1. A Fixed Order of Mailboxes

This is for users who like their mailboxes in a fixed order, e.g. alphabetical, or unsorted (in the order of the config file).

# Fixed order
set sort_browser="alpha"
set sort_browser="unsorted"

When you first start the browser, e.g. c? your current mailbox will be highlighted.

When you navigate to a parent mailbox ( ..) your old mailbox will be highlighted.

.. will always be listed at the top, however the rest of the list is sorted.

2.2. A Variable Order of Mailboxes

This is for users who like their mailboxes sorted by a characteristic that changes, e.g. count of new mail, or the size of mailbox.

# Variable order
set sort_browser="reverse-count"
set sort_browser="reverse-size"

When you first start the browser, e.g. c? the highlight will be on the first mailbox, e.g. the one with the most new mail.

When you navigate to a parent mailbox ( ..) your old mailbox will be highlighted.

.. will always be listed at the top, however the rest of the list is sorted.

3. See Also

4. Known Bugs


5. Credits

Pierre-Elliott Bécue, Haakon Riiser, Richard Russon

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