Sponsoring NeoMutt

If you have programming skills and some free time, we’d love to hear from you.

If not, please consider becoming a sponsor.

GitHub Patreon LiberaPay PayPal BitCoin

Thanks :heart:

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:gem: Sponsors

Special thanks to our sponsors:

Jakub Jindra
Scott Kostyshak
Igor Serebryany
Mark Korondi
Blunix GmbH
Linux support company
from Berlin, Germany
Bastian Bittorf
Nicolas Évrard
Mateus Etto
Robert Ricci
Farzad Sadeghi

GitHub GitHub

Using GitHub Sponsors, you can set up monthly sponsorship, or make a one-time donation.

Patreon Patreon

Using Patreon, you can set up monthly sponsorship, or make a one-time donation.

LiberaPay LiberaPay

Using LiberaPay, you can set up monthly sponsorship, or make a one-time donation.

PayPal PayPal

If you have a PayPal account, you can make a donation by transferring money, or using a credit card.


If crypto’s your thing, then you can make a donation to this wallet:

  • BitCoin: 39Cbb8RScLnXZaSS3eqBYpBrwnTm8iNKG1


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