Encrypt-to-Self Feature

Save a self-encrypted copy of emails

1. Support

Since: NeoMutt 2016-07-23

Dependencies: None

2. Introduction

Once you encrypt an email to someone you cannot read it. This is good for security, but bad for record-keeping. If you wanted to keep a copy of an encrypted email you could set $fcc_clear.

A better option is to enable $smime_self_encrypt, then set $smime_default_key to your personal S/MIME key id.

set smime_self_encrypt = yes
set smime_default_key  = bb345e23.0

Or, if you use PGP, $pgp_self_encrypt, then set $pgp_default_key to your personal PGP key id.

set pgp_self_encrypt = yes
set pgp_default_key  = A4AF18C5582473BD35A1E9CE78BB3D480042198E

If you have different key for signing, then you can set $pgp_sign_as or $smime_sign_as respectively.

3. Variables

Table 14.1. encrypt-self Variables

Name Type Default
pgp_default_key string (empty)
pgp_self_encrypt boolean yes
pgp_sign_as string (empty)
smime_default_key string (empty)
smime_self_encrypt boolean yes
smime_sign_as string (empty)

4. neomuttrc

# Example NeoMutt config file for the encrypt-to-self feature.

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# VARIABLES – shown with their default values
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Save a copy of outgoing email, encrypted to yourself
set pgp_self_encrypt = "yes"
set pgp_default_key = "PGP-KEY"
# set pgp_sign_as = "PGP-SIGNING-KEY"

# Save a copy of outgoing email, encrypted to yourself
set smime_self_encrypt = "yes"
set smime_default_key = "SMIME-KEY"
# set smime_sign_as = "SMIME-SIGNING-KEY"

# vim: syntax=neomuttrc

5. Known Bugs


6. Credits

Omen Wild, Richard Russon, Guillaume Brogi

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