Ebuilds for NeoMutt can be found in the main gentoo repo. There used
to be an overlay, but it has been deprecated. If you still have it in
your config, remove it from /etc/portage/repos.conf
# emerge -av mail-client/neomutt
[ebuild R ] mail-client/neomutt-20171215-r2::gentoo USE="doc gpg idn kerberos lmdb nls slang smime ssl -berkdb -crypt -gdbm -gnutls -gpgme -kyotocabinet -libressl -notmuch -pgp_classic -qdbm -sasl (-selinux) -smime_classic -tokyocabinet" 0 KiB
Total: 1 package (1 reinstall), Size of downloads: 0 KiB
Would you like to merge these packages? [Yes/No]
Have a good look at the USE-flags, such that you enable the features you need, such as gpgme, lmdb, etc.
emerge -auv mail-client/neomutt
emerge -av --depclean mail-client/neomutt
In Gentoo, you will likely already have build NeoMutt from source. If
you want the latest version from the Git repository, install the
version. Add =mail-client/neomutt-9999
to your /etc/portage/package.accept\_keywords
to enable it.
Follow the instructions in the Gentoo wiki to build NeoMutt with debug symbols.
Now you can follow the guide for debugging NeoMutt.