logo NeoMutt for CentOS


CentOS / RHEL Support
8 or before Unsupported, please upgrade
9 (stream) Supported


The instructions work for all versions of CentOS / RHEL. The commands should be run as root, or prefixed with sudo.

First, enable the extra packages. (This may already be installed)

dnf install epel-release

You will be asked to install a GPG key for the extra packages. Say yes. This step only has to be done once – for the first install.

Importing GPG key 0x8483C65D:
 Userid     : "CentOS (CentOS Official Signing Key) <security@centos.org>"
 Fingerprint: 99DB 70FA E1D7 CE22 7FB6 4882 05B5 55B3 8483 C65D
 From       : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-centosofficial
Is this ok [y/N]:

Now, install neomutt:

dnf install neomutt

Well done! You’ve just installed NeoMutt.

NeoMutt COPR Install

For years, this was the way to install NeoMutt. Now that NeoMutt is available to CentOS directly, the COPR install will soon be deprecated.

If you previously installed NeoMutt from the COPR, you can disable it by running:

dnf copr remove flatcap/neomutt


Once NeoMutt is installed, it will be updated automatically when you perform system updates. You can make that happen sooner by running:

dnf update


To completely remove NeoMutt from your system:

dnf remove neomutt

Building from source

These instructions will help you install all the dependencies you’ll need to build NeoMutt from the source code.

  1. The best way to get the latest source code is to use git.
  2. Minimum tools you need to build NeoMutt
  3. Generate the documentation
  4. Advanced features of NeoMutt
  5. Local caching of emails

First enable the CRB (devel packages) repo:

dnf config-manager --set-enabled crb

Then install lots of devel packages:

dnf install cyrus-sasl-devel docbook-dtds docbook-style-xsl elinks gcc
dnf install gdbm-devel gettext-devel git gnutls-devel gpgme-devel krb5-devel
dnf install libdb-devel libidn2-devel libtdb-devel libxslt libzstd-devel
dnf install lmdb-devel lua-devel lz4-devel make ncurses-devel notmuch-devel
dnf install openssl-devel pcre2-devel slang-devel sqlite-devel tcl
dnf install tokyocabinet-devel w3m

Now you can follow the guide for building NeoMutt.


These instructions will help you install all the dependencies you’ll need to debug NeoMutt.

dnf install gdb
debuginfo-install bzip2-libs cyrus-sasl-lib glibc gnutls gpgme keyutils-libs
debuginfo-install krb5-libs libcom_err libgcrypt libgpg-error libidn libselinux
debuginfo-install libtasn1 ncurses-libs nss-softokn-freebl tokyocabinet zlib

Now you can follow the guide for debugging NeoMutt.

gdb may suggest installing more debuginfo packages.

Instructions last checked: 2023-04-19 by @flatcap

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