Config System

tl;dr This diagram is all you need to know :wink:



Configuration begins with the ConfigSet. It contains:

  • Hash Table to store the Configs
  • Set of registered Types
  • Set of Observers

First we create a ConfigSet and register some Types. Each Type is responsible for one data type. Each Type has:

Name Human-readable name
setter/getter Set/get the variable as a string
nsetter/ngetter Setter/getter as a native type, e.g. struct Address
resetter Reset variable to factory settings
destructor Release the resources

Each Config Type implements the struct ConfigSetType interface

int      string_set         (const struct ConfigSet *cs, void *var,       struct ConfigDef *cdef, const char *value, struct Buffer *err);
int      string_get         (const struct ConfigSet *cs, void *var, const struct ConfigDef *cdef,                    struct Buffer *result);
int      native_set         (const struct ConfigSet *cs, void *var, const struct ConfigDef *cdef, intptr_t value,    struct Buffer *err);
intptr_t native_get         (const struct ConfigSet *cs, void *var, const struct ConfigDef *cdef,                    struct Buffer *err);
int      string_plus_equals (const struct ConfigSet *cs, void *var, const struct ConfigDef *cdef, const char *value, struct Buffer *err);
int      string_minus_equals(const struct ConfigSet *cs, void *var, const struct ConfigDef *cdef, const char *value, struct Buffer *err);
int      reset              (const struct ConfigSet *cs, void *var, const struct ConfigDef *cdef,                    struct Buffer *err);
void     destroy            (const struct ConfigSet *cs, void *var, const struct ConfigDef *cdef);

Note that the word “string” in these functions doesn’t refer to a String Config Type, but rather a user-entered string that will be converted to the Config Type.

Config Types

NeoMutt’s Types are:

Name Description Source C Type
Address Email address config/address.c struct Address
Bool Boolean config/bool.c bool
Enum Enumeration config/enum.c unsigned char
Long Long config/long.c long
Mbtable Multi-byte character table config/mbtable.c struct MbTable
Number Number config/number.c short
Path Path config/path.c char *
Quad Quad-option config/quad.c unsigned char
Regex Regular expression config/regex.c struct Regex
Slist List of strings config/slist.c struct Slist
Sort Sorting config/sort.c short
String String config/string.c char *

Registering Config Names

Each Config Name is represented by a ConfigDef. This links the user-facing Name of the Item to a registered Type and a global Variable.

Here are some examples:

// Name            Type|Flags                 Initial,   Data,        Validator
{ "timeout",       DT_NUMBER|DT_NOT_NEGATIVE, 600,       0,           NULL,
{ "move",          DT_QUAD,                   MUTT_NO,   0,           NULL,
{ "print_command", DT_STRING|DT_COMMAND,      "lpr",     0,           NULL,
{ "sort",          DT_SORT|DT_SORT_REVERSE,   SORT_DATE, SortMethods, pager_validator,


The Config Set implements a notification system using struct Notify. This means that other code can register Observers of the Config and be notified when anything changes.

Walkthrough of a Config Item

Part 1 - Number

This takes a fictional Config item “$foo_percentage”

NeoMutt defines the Number Type: DT_NUMBER which is backed by a short int.

The ‘foo’ module registers its variable:

// Name             Type|Flags Initial, Data, Validator,         Docs
{ "foo_percentage", DT_NUMBER, 42,      0,    foo_pct_validator, "Amount of foo" },

NeoMutt will set the value of the Variable (explanation below). Note: The initial value is Type-specific.

and an observer:

int foo_config_observer(struct NotifyCallback *nc);

Now we read the config file:

set foo_percentage = 96   # Dangerously high
  • mutt_parse_rc_line() reads the config file
  • mutt_parse_rc_buffer() identifies the ‘set’ command
  • parse_set() splits the line into
    • ‘foo_percentage’ variable
    • the assignment ‘=’
    • the value string ‘96’
  • Lookup ‘foo_percentage’ in the ConfigSet HashTable
    • It has type DT_NUMBER
  • Lookup DT_NUMBER in the Type definitions
  • Delegate parsing to the “Number” Type

The “Number” Type has a ‘setter’ function to convert a string to data. If any of the steps fail, the user will be notified and the Variable won’t be changed.

  • Convert the string to an integer
  • Check the range of the integer (we store our value in a short)
    • Is it less than SHRT_MIN?
    • Is it greater than SHRT_MAX?


This variable has a validator function, which is now called. In this case, it checks that the value is in the range 0-100. If it’s not, it returns false and an error message.

If the validator succeeds, then the Variable is set to the new value. Finally, the ConfigSet sends out a notification to all the Observers.

  • foo_config_observer() is called

Part 2 - Address

This takes a fictional Config item “$home_address”

NeoMutt defines the Address Type: DT_ADDRESS which is backed by a struct Address pointer.

The ‘foo’ module registers its variable:

// Name           Type|Flags  Initial,           Data, Validator, Docs
{ "home_address", DT_ADDRESS, "", NULL, NULL,      "Home address" },
  • ‘home_address’ has type DT_ADDRESS
  • Lookup ‘DT_ADDRESS’ in the Type definitions
  • Delegate parsing to the “Address” Type

Address Type:

  • Allocate a new struct Address
  • Parse the string into:
    • Real name
    • Email address

On success:

  • Free the old value, stored internally
  • Store the new value
  • Notify the Observers

On failure:

  • Free the temporary Address
  • Notify the user

This variable doesn’t have a validator function.

Part 2b - NULL

Some Types will allow an empty value to be set. By default, NeoMutt stores empty strings as NULL.

Setting an Address Type to an empty string will release the old address.

Config Scope

Main Config

There are ~460 Config Names in NeoMutt. A third of these are defined in mutt_config.c.

Library Config

The rest of the Config Items have been moved into libraries.

This allows the libraries to reduce the scope of their Config Variables.

For example, the Sidebar registers its Config Items in sidebar/config.c

// Name                    Type|Flags Initial, Data, Validator,
{ "sidebar_delim_chars",   DT_STRING, "/.",    0,    NULL,
{ "sidebar_divider_char",  DT_STRING, 0,       0,    NULL,
{ "sidebar_folder_indent", DT_BOOL,   false,   0,    NULL,

Global Config

The Config Variables are still global – there’s only one value for each variable. This is why when you switch Accounts you need to use account- and folder-hooks to set variables.

Config System

The Config System supports inheritance which will allow us to create Account- and Mailbox-specific config.

This leads to my favourite diagram at the top of this page. Understanding this will lead to Enlightenment :-)

Config Subset

The Config System can be accessed using a handle: struct ConfigSubset *sub Initially, this will be the global scope, NeoMutt->sub. Over time, this will be changed to Account->sub when Account-specific config is introduced, then eventually Mailbox->sub.

For dialogs, the ConfigSubset should be passed in as a parameter.

Reading the Config

There’s a helper function for each config type. These are strictly type-checked and will assert() on failure.

Here’s an example of each function.

const struct Address  *c_envelope_from_address = cs_subset_address(sub, "envelope_from_address");
const bool             c_fast_reply            = cs_subset_bool   (sub, "fast_reply");
const unsigned char    c_use_threads           = cs_subset_enum   (sub, "use_threads");
const long             c_imap_fetch_chunk_size = cs_subset_long   (sub, "imap_fetch_chunk_size");
const struct MbTable  *c_from_chars            = cs_subset_mbtable(sub, "from_chars");
const short            c_connect_timeout       = cs_subset_number (sub, "connect_timeout");
const char            *c_debug_file            = cs_subset_path   (sub, "debug_file");
const enum QuadOption  c_fcc_attach            = cs_subset_quad   (sub, "fcc_attach");
const struct Regex    *c_gecos_mask            = cs_subset_regex  (sub, "gecos_mask");
const struct Slist    *c_hidden_tags           = cs_subset_slist  (sub, "hidden_tags");
const short            c_pgp_sort_keys         = cs_subset_sort   (sub, "pgp_sort_keys");
const char            *c_pattern_format        = cs_subset_string (sub, "pattern_format");

Each variable is named to match the Config Variable and is const to discourage the coder from changing it (which would have no effect on the actual config).

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