This is a Work in Progress

Code Style


Whatever the language, coding style is always controversial.

This page outlines a small set of rules, some guidelines and some top tips. It’s hoped that following these examples, we can keep NeoMutt’s code tidy.

NeoMutt also recommends using editor-config and clang-format.


These rules are important. Please follow them to ensure your code is accepted.


  • Code should be indented using 2 spaces.
if (x == 0)


  • Braces must begin and end on new lines
if (x == 0)

No tabs

  • However deeply nested the code, it should not use tabs for indentation

Trailing whitespace

  • Delete spaces or tabs at the ends of lines

Space-star vs Star-space

  • This is a C project, so we prefer C-style pointers. That means the * is by the variable, not the type:
/* C Style NeoMutt pointer -- yes, please */
char *ptr = "hello";

// C++ Style pointer -- no, thank you
char* ptr = "world";

New options

  • when new options are added, the old behavior should be the default.

Avoid global variables!

  • We consider the use of global variables to be bad style, because it makes changes/refactorings much harder to realize. NeoMutt still has a lot of them. So if you want to reduce them, you’re very welcome to do so. Ask on the devel mailinglist or on IRC, if you are interested.

Special characters should be UTF-8

  • special characters should be in UTF-8. If you find remnants from the times when this was an ISO-8859-1 source code tree, please feel free to fix them.


These guidelines are NeoMutt’s preferred way to style code. Some exceptions will be allowed.


  • Function return type on the same line, e.g. int function(int y)
  • Line length should be limited to 80-90 characters.

Braces placement

There are many situations where C doesn’t require braces. Often, this can lead to code that’s hard to read.

General guideline:

  • The meaning of the code must be immediately clear.

First, here are a couple of good examples where braces aren’t needed, but the code is still clear.

Both the condition and the action are short and the entire ‘if’ is easy to read.

if (condition)

This case, with two levels of nesting is also simple to read.

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
  if (condition)

Next are three bad examples.

Here is some code from find_subject() in thread.c It’s hard to tell where the ‘if’ ends and the action begins.

if (tmp != cur &&                    /* don't match the same message */
    !tmp->fake_thread &&             /* don't match pseudo threads */
    tmp->message->subject_changed && /* only match interesting replies */
    !is_descendant (tmp, cur) &&     /* don't match in the same thread */
    (date >= (option (OPTTHREADRECEIVED) ?
              tmp->message->received :
              tmp->message->date_sent)) &&
    (!last ||
     (option (OPTTHREADRECEIVED) ?
      (last->message->received < tmp->message->received) :
      (last->message->date_sent < tmp->message->date_sent))) &&
    tmp->message->env->real_subj &&
    mutt_strcmp (subjects->data, tmp->message->env->real_subj) == 0)
  last = tmp; /* best match so far */

This example is simpler, but could still probably do with {}s. It is from mutt_check_traditional_pgp() in commands.c

if (Context->hdrs[Context->v2r[i]]->tagged &&
   !(Context->hdrs[Context->v2r[i]]->security & PGP_TRADITIONAL_CHECKED))
 rv = _mutt_check_traditional_pgp (Context->hdrs[Context->v2r[i]], redraw)
   || rv;

Finally, there’s ugliness like this in crypt_init() in cryptglue.c:

  if (
      (! option (OPTCRYPTUSEGPGME))

The factors that complicate an ‘if’ statement are:

  • Condition spans multiple lines
  • Condition is inconsistently indented
  • Action spans multiple lines
  • Condition and Action are separated by a comment
  • Condition contains preprocessor statements

Specific guidelines:

  • Refactor ‘if’ conditions that span more than 4 lines
  • Enforced {}s for actions that span more than 1 line, or that contain comments
  • Preprocessor conditions should not be embedded within an ‘if’ condition



  • No spaces inside () or []
  • Space around operators:
    • Maths +-*/
    • Logic &&, ||
    • Comparisons >=, ==
  • No space between a function name and ‘(‘

Note: All these cases are handled by clang-format.

Top tips

These tips are generally good ideas. Their use is encouraged.

Distinguish between 0 and NULL

Pointers should be assigned to NULL, not 0. This helps to reinforce the type, especially when you’re deep with a function.

FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "r");
/* lots of code ... */
fp = NULL;

strcmp() returns 0 when the strings match, but the code below is misleading. You might be mistaken and think that something() is called if the strings match.

/* Misleading condition */
if (strcmp(apple, banana))

By reminding the user of the return type, the meaning is clearer:

/* Clearer condition */
if (strcmp(apple, banana) == 0)

Use ! to test booleans and pointers only

There are many parts of Mutt’s code that use ! to test if a variable is equal to zero. Using ! consistently will help to reinforce the types to a human.

int x = 0;
if (x == 0)

bool b = false;
if (!b)

char *str = NULL;
if (!str)

Be const-correct

By default, objects should be immutable, since it is easier to reason about their semantic (and they are also easier to name). So let the compiler help you, if someone tries to mutate an object that should be constant, it will raise a warning.

const size_t buflen = ....
// 20 lines of code
// using buflen again, but we know that it did not change(!)

By default pointer should be passed to const, unless the function really needs to modify the content. For example it would be unexpected for a logging function to mutate the content to log.

void my_log_function(const char *s);

Putting const in a function declaration is unnecessary if the parameter is passed by value

void foo(const int); // const is unnecessary, has not effect

whereas on its implementation it ensures that a value will not change

void foo(const int i) // i will not be changed inside the function
  // ....

Put ()s around logic that contains whitespace

C allows you to write statements like:

if (a == x && b == y && c == z)

Here, we’re &&-ing three logical tokens. Because they contain whitespace, the ‘if’ can be a little hard to read.

This is easier to read:

if ((a == x) && (b == y) && (c == z))

Tokens that don’t have any whitespace don’t need to be ()d, e.g.

if (x && y && !z)

Ternary operator x ? y : z – one at a time

The ternary operator is good for short and simple if-then-else type things, e.g.

/* Clear use of a ternary operator */
x = (y > 0) ? 1 : 0;

However, when several ternary operators are used in one statement, it becomes very hard to understand the meaning. This example is from mbrtowc_iconv() in mbyte.c

/* Multiple operators make the code hard to read */
return (pwc && *pwc) ? (ib - (k ? bufi + k : s)) : 0;

Doxygen comment blocks

New, non-static (shared), functions should have a doxygen comment block. These comment blocks should tell a developer everything they need to know in order to use, or debug, that function.

These comment blocks are parsed by doxygen and turned into cross-referenced documentation.

Separate Assignment from Conditional

C allows assignments to be nested in conditional statements. This is compact, but it can lead to illegible code.

if ((rc = stat(tmp, &sb)) == -1)

rc = stat(tmp, &sb);
if (rc == -1)

The second version is clear to read and simple to step through in a debugger.

C99 features

These C99 features may be used:

  • // line comments
  • Scoped variables: for (int i = 0; ...
  • Booleans: #include <stdbool.h>


  • Return from function early, if possible
  • Initialise pointers to null
  • Limit variables to the smallest possible scope
  • For sets of constants, use enum rather than #define


EditorConfig provides plugins for most common editors which allow projects to define their style in one place.

Here’s NeoMutt’s .editorconfig file.

It looks like this:

indent_size = 2
indent_style = space


Clang-format is a tool which automatically reformats C sources files according to configurable style guides.

This tool can re-indent code, correct the placement of {}s and much much more. Beginners are strongly recommended to use this tool on their code before submitting it to NeoMutt.

Here is NeoMutt’s .clang-format file. Clang’s site has full documentation of the format.

Any code that needs to stay as it was written should be surrounded by the comments:

// clang-format off
// clang-format on

These should be used as little as possible.

Code Style

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