Header Cache Benchmark


The shell script and the configuration file from the hcache benchmark repository can be used to benchmark the NeoMutt hcache backends.


In order to run the benchmark, you must have a directory in maildir format at hand. NeoMutt will load messages from there and populate the header cache with them. Please note that you’ll need a reasonable large number of messages – >50k – to see anything interesting.

Running the benchmark

The script accepts the following arguments

-e Path to the neomutt executable
-m Path to the maildir directory
-t Number of times to repeat the test
-b List of backends to test

./neomutt-hcache-bench.sh -e /usr/local/bin/neomutt -m ../maildir -t 10 -b "lmdb qdbm bdb kyotocabinet"


The benchmark works by instructing NeoMutt to use the backends specified with -b one by one and to load the messages from the maildir specified with -m. NeoMutt is launched twice with the same configuration. The first time, no header cache storage exists, so NeoMutt populates it. The second time, the previously populated header cache storage is used to reload the headers. The times taken to execute these two operations are kept track of independently.

At the end, a summary with the average times is provided.

Sample output

$ sh neomutt-hcache-bench.sh -m ~/maildir -e neomutt -t 10 -b "bdb gdbm qdbm lmdb kyotocabinet tokyocabinet"
Running in /tmp/tmp.TFHQ8iPy
 1 - populating - bdb
 1 - reloading  - bdb
 1 - populating - gdbm
 1 - reloading  - gdbm
 1 - populating - qdbm
 1 - reloading  - qdbm
 1 - populating - lmdb
 1 - reloading  - lmdb
 1 - populating - kyotocabinet
 1 - reloading  - kyotocabinet
 1 - populating - tokyocabinet
 1 - reloading  - tokyocabinet
 2 - populating - bdb
 2 - reloading  - bdb
 2 - populating - gdbm
10 - populating - kyotocabinet
10 - reloading  - kyotocabinet
10 - populating - tokyocabinet
10 - reloading  - tokyocabinet

*** populate
bdb            8.814 real 4.227 user 2.667 sys
gdbm           24.938 real 4.082 user 3.852 sys
qdbm           9.806 real 5.201 user 2.480 sys
lmdb           7.637 real 3.589 user 2.385 sys
kyotocabinet   11.493 real 6.456 user 2.537 sys
tokyocabinet   9.521 real 5.104 user 2.356 sys

*** reload
bdb            2.101 real 1.027 user .614 sys
gdbm           3.474 real .885 user .584 sys
qdbm           2.170 real 1.142 user .552 sys
lmdb           1.694 real .845 user .478 sys
kyotocabinet   2.729 real 1.541 user .591 sys
tokyocabinet   2.526 real 1.395 user .581 sys


The benchmark uses a temporary directory for the log files and the header cache storage files. These are left available for inspection. This also means that you must take care of removing the temporary directory once you are done.

The path to the temporary directory is printed on standard output when the benchmark starts, e.g., Running in /tmp/tmp.WjSFtdPf.

Results of Run 1 - 10 iterations, 100,000 emails


database real user sys
bdb 3.529000 1.820000 0.597000
lmdb 3.564000 1.720000 0.642000
qdbm 3.584000 2.886000 0.618000
tokyocabinet 3.679000 2.927000 0.731000
gdbm 4.341000 2.091000 1.223000
kyotocabinet 5.160000 3.841000 1.291000


database real user sys
lmdb 0.966000 0.766000 0.183000
bdb 1.060000 0.858000 0.192000
gdbm 1.179000 0.966000 0.188000
tokyocabinet 1.321000 1.128000 0.183000
qdbm 1.331000 1.137000 0.184000
kyotocabinet 1.417000 1.203000 0.202000

Results of Run 2 - 10 iterations, 100,000 emails


database real user sys
bdb 3.454000 1.835000 0.595000
qdbm 3.570000 2.857000 0.629000
lmdb 3.597000 1.747000 0.636000
tokyocabinet 3.666000 2.923000 0.724000
gdbm 4.365000 2.083000 1.234000
kyotocabinet 5.117000 3.819000 1.275000


database real user sys
lmdb 0.926000 0.745000 0.173000
bdb 1.049000 0.855000 0.188000
gdbm 1.157000 0.954000 0.191000
qdbm 1.313000 1.108000 0.197000
tokyocabinet 1.318000 1.116000 0.190000
kyotocabinet 1.386000 1.167000 0.209000

Results of Run 3 - 10 iterations, 100,000 emails


database real user sys
bdb 3.306000 1.609000 0.606000
qdbm 3.344000 2.632000 0.622000
tokyocabinet 3.433000 2.690000 0.727000
lmdb 3.646000 1.484000 0.623000
gdbm 4.184000 1.814000 1.206000
kyotocabinet 4.754000 3.471000 1.261000


database real user sys
lmdb 0.730000 0.544000 0.179000
bdb 0.854000 0.655000 0.192000
gdbm 0.936000 0.738000 0.190000
qdbm 1.098000 0.899000 0.191000
tokyocabinet 1.105000 0.907000 0.187000
kyotocabinet 1.250000 1.036000 0.207000

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