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shared.h File Reference

Maildir shared functions. More...

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
+ Include dependency graph for shared.h:
+ This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:

Go to the source code of this file.


void maildir_canon_filename (struct Buffer *dest, const char *src)
 Generate the canonical filename for a Maildir folder.
mode_t maildir_umask (struct Mailbox *m)
 Create a umask from the mailbox directory.
bool maildir_update_flags (struct Mailbox *m, struct Email *e_old, struct Email *e_new)
 Update the mailbox flags.
struct Emailmaildir_email_new (void)
 Create a Maildir Email.
void maildir_gen_flags (char *dest, size_t destlen, struct Email *e)
 Generate the Maildir flags for an email.
bool maildir_msg_open_new (struct Mailbox *m, struct Message *msg, const struct Email *e)
 Open a new message in a Mailbox - Implements MxOps::msg_open_new() -.
FILE * maildir_open_find_message (const char *folder, const char *msg, char **newname)
 Find a message by name.
void maildir_parse_flags (struct Email *e, const char *path)
 Parse Maildir file flags.
bool maildir_parse_message (const char *fname, bool is_old, struct Email *e)
 Actually parse a maildir message.
bool maildir_parse_stream (FILE *fp, const char *fname, bool is_old, struct Email *e)
 Parse a Maildir message.
int maildir_path_is_empty (struct Buffer *path)
 Is the mailbox empty.
int maildir_rewrite_message (struct Mailbox *m, struct Email *e)
 Sync a message in an Maildir folder.
bool maildir_sync_mailbox_message (struct Mailbox *m, struct Email *e, struct HeaderCache *hc)
 Save changes to the mailbox.
void maildir_update_mtime (struct Mailbox *m)
 Update our record of the Maildir modification time.

Detailed Description

Maildir shared functions.

  • Richard Russon

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see

Definition in file shared.h.

Function Documentation

◆ maildir_canon_filename()

void maildir_canon_filename ( struct Buffer dest,
const char *  src 

Generate the canonical filename for a Maildir folder.

destBuffer for the result
srcBuffer containing source filename
maildir filename is defined as: <base filename>:2,<flags> but <base filename> may contain additional comma separated fields. Additionally, : may be replaced as the field delimiter by a user defined alternative.

Definition at line 73 of file shared.c.

75 if (!dest || !src)
76 return;
78 char *t = strrchr(src, '/');
79 if (t)
80 src = t + 1;
82 buf_strcpy(dest, src);
84 const char c_maildir_field_delimiter = *cc_maildir_field_delimiter();
86 char searchable_bytes[8] = { 0 };
87 snprintf(searchable_bytes, sizeof(searchable_bytes), ",%c", c_maildir_field_delimiter);
88 char *u = strpbrk(dest->data, searchable_bytes);
90 if (u)
91 {
92 *u = '\0';
93 dest->dptr = u;
94 }
size_t buf_strcpy(struct Buffer *buf, const char *s)
Copy a string into a Buffer.
Definition: buffer.c:395
const char * cc_maildir_field_delimiter(void)
Get the cached value of $maildir_field_delimiter.
Definition: config_cache.c:131
char * dptr
Current read/write position.
Definition: buffer.h:38
char * data
Pointer to data.
Definition: buffer.h:37
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ maildir_umask()

mode_t maildir_umask ( struct Mailbox m)

Create a umask from the mailbox directory.

Return values

Definition at line 47 of file shared.c.

50 if (mdata && mdata->umask)
51 return mdata->umask;
53 struct stat st = { 0 };
54 if (stat(mailbox_path(m), &st) != 0)
55 {
56 mutt_debug(LL_DEBUG1, "stat failed on %s\n", mailbox_path(m));
57 return 077;
58 }
60 return 0777 & ~st.st_mode;
static const char * mailbox_path(const struct Mailbox *m)
Get the Mailbox's path string.
Definition: mailbox.h:223
#define mutt_debug(LEVEL,...)
Definition: logging2.h:89
Log at debug level 1.
Definition: logging2.h:43
struct MaildirMboxData * maildir_mdata_get(struct Mailbox *m)
Get the private data for this Mailbox.
Definition: mdata.c:60
void * mdata
Driver specific data.
Definition: mailbox.h:132
Maildir-specific Mailbox data -.
Definition: mdata.h:35
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ maildir_update_flags()

bool maildir_update_flags ( struct Mailbox m,
struct Email e_old,
struct Email e_new 

Update the mailbox flags.

e_oldOld Email
e_newNew Email
Return values
trueThe flags changed

Definition at line 105 of file shared.c.

107 if (!m)
108 return false;
110 /* save the global state here so we can reset it at the
111 * end of list block if required. */
112 bool context_changed = m->changed;
114 /* user didn't modify this message. alter the flags to match the
115 * current state on disk. This may not actually do
116 * anything. mutt_set_flag() will just ignore the call if the status
117 * bits are already properly set, but it is still faster not to pass
118 * through it */
119 if (e_old->flagged != e_new->flagged)
120 mutt_set_flag(m, e_old, MUTT_FLAG, e_new->flagged, true);
121 if (e_old->replied != e_new->replied)
122 mutt_set_flag(m, e_old, MUTT_REPLIED, e_new->replied, true);
123 if (e_old->read != e_new->read)
124 mutt_set_flag(m, e_old, MUTT_READ, e_new->read, true);
125 if (e_old->old != e_new->old)
126 mutt_set_flag(m, e_old, MUTT_OLD, e_new->old, true);
128 /* mutt_set_flag() will set this, but we don't need to
129 * sync the changes we made because we just updated the
130 * context to match the current on-disk state of the
131 * message. */
132 bool header_changed = e_old->changed;
133 e_old->changed = false;
135 /* if the mailbox was not modified before we made these
136 * changes, unset the changed flag since nothing needs to
137 * be synchronized. */
138 if (!context_changed)
139 m->changed = false;
141 return header_changed;
void mutt_set_flag(struct Mailbox *m, struct Email *e, enum MessageType flag, bool bf, bool upd_mbox)
Set a flag on an email.
Definition: flags.c:57
Messages that have been read.
Definition: mutt.h:73
Old messages.
Definition: mutt.h:71
Flagged messages.
Definition: mutt.h:79
Messages that have been replied to.
Definition: mutt.h:72
bool read
Email is read.
Definition: email.h:50
bool old
Email is seen, but unread.
Definition: email.h:49
bool changed
Email has been edited.
Definition: email.h:77
bool flagged
Marked important?
Definition: email.h:47
bool replied
Email has been replied to.
Definition: email.h:51
bool changed
Mailbox has been modified.
Definition: mailbox.h:110
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ maildir_email_new()

struct Email * maildir_email_new ( void  )

Create a Maildir Email.

Return values
ptrNewly created Email

Create a new Email and attach MaildirEmailData.

This should be freed using email_free()

Definition at line 68 of file mailbox.c.

70 struct Email *e = email_new();
74 return e;
struct Email * email_new(void)
Create a new Email.
Definition: email.c:77
void maildir_edata_free(void **ptr)
Free the private Email data - Implements Email::edata_free() -.
Definition: edata.c:38
struct MaildirEmailData * maildir_edata_new(void)
Create a new MaildirEmailData object.
Definition: edata.c:53
The envelope/body of an email.
Definition: email.h:39
void * edata
Driver-specific data.
Definition: email.h:74
void(* edata_free)(void **ptr)
Definition: email.h:90
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ maildir_gen_flags()

void maildir_gen_flags ( char *  dest,
size_t  destlen,
struct Email e 

Generate the Maildir flags for an email.

destBuffer for the result
destlenLength of buffer

Definition at line 73 of file message.c.

75 *dest = '\0';
77 const char *flags = NULL;
80 if (edata)
81 flags = edata->custom_flags;
83 /* The maildir specification requires that all files in the cur
84 * subdirectory have the :unique string appended, regardless of whether
85 * or not there are any flags. If .old is set, we know that this message
86 * will end up in the cur directory, so we include it in the following
87 * test even though there is no associated flag. */
89 if (e->flagged || e->replied || e->read || e->deleted || e->old || flags)
90 {
91 char tmp[1024] = { 0 };
92 snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s%s%s%s%s", e->flagged ? "F" : "", e->replied ? "R" : "",
93 e->read ? "S" : "", e->deleted ? "T" : "", NONULL(flags));
94 if (flags)
95 mutt_qsort_r(tmp, strlen(tmp), 1, maildir_sort_flags, NULL);
97 const char c_maildir_field_delimiter = *cc_maildir_field_delimiter();
98 snprintf(dest, destlen, "%c2,%s", c_maildir_field_delimiter, tmp);
99 }
static int maildir_sort_flags(const void *a, const void *b, void *sdata)
Compare two flag characters - Implements sort_t -.
Definition: message.c:62
struct MaildirEmailData * maildir_edata_get(struct Email *e)
Get the private data for this Email.
Definition: edata.c:64
void mutt_qsort_r(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size, sort_t compar, void *sdata)
Sort an array, where the comparator has access to opaque data rather than requiring global variables.
Definition: qsort_r.c:67
#define NONULL(x)
Definition: string2.h:37
bool deleted
Email is deleted.
Definition: email.h:78
Maildir-specific Email data -.
Definition: edata.h:32
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ maildir_open_find_message()

FILE * maildir_open_find_message ( const char *  folder,
const char *  msg,
char **  newname 

Find a message by name.

[in]folderMaildir path
[in]msgEmail path
[out]newnameNew name, if it has moved
Return values
ptrFile handle

Definition at line 170 of file message.c.

172 static unsigned int new_hits = 0, cur_hits = 0; /* simple dynamic optimization */
174 struct Buffer *unique = buf_pool_get();
175 maildir_canon_filename(unique, msg);
177 FILE *fp = maildir_open_find_message_dir(folder, buf_string(unique),
178 (new_hits > cur_hits) ? "new" : "cur", newname);
179 if (fp || (errno != ENOENT))
180 {
181 if ((new_hits < UINT_MAX) && (cur_hits < UINT_MAX))
182 {
183 new_hits += ((new_hits > cur_hits) ? 1 : 0);
184 cur_hits += ((new_hits > cur_hits) ? 0 : 1);
185 }
187 goto cleanup;
188 }
189 fp = maildir_open_find_message_dir(folder, buf_string(unique),
190 (new_hits > cur_hits) ? "cur" : "new", newname);
191 if (fp || (errno != ENOENT))
192 {
193 if ((new_hits < UINT_MAX) && (cur_hits < UINT_MAX))
194 {
195 new_hits += ((new_hits > cur_hits) ? 0 : 1);
196 cur_hits += ((new_hits > cur_hits) ? 1 : 0);
197 }
199 goto cleanup;
200 }
202 fp = NULL;
205 buf_pool_release(&unique);
207 return fp;
static const char * buf_string(const struct Buffer *buf)
Convert a buffer to a const char * "string".
Definition: buffer.h:96
static FILE * maildir_open_find_message_dir(const char *folder, const char *unique, const char *subfolder, char **newname)
Find a message in a maildir folder.
Definition: message.c:114
void maildir_canon_filename(struct Buffer *dest, const char *src)
Generate the canonical filename for a Maildir folder.
Definition: shared.c:73
struct Buffer * buf_pool_get(void)
Get a Buffer from the pool.
Definition: pool.c:81
void buf_pool_release(struct Buffer **ptr)
Return a Buffer to the pool.
Definition: pool.c:94
String manipulation buffer.
Definition: buffer.h:36
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ maildir_parse_flags()

void maildir_parse_flags ( struct Email e,
const char *  path 

Parse Maildir file flags.

pathPath to email file

Definition at line 82 of file mailbox.c.

84 char *q = NULL;
86 e->flagged = false;
87 e->read = false;
88 e->replied = false;
92 const char c_maildir_field_delimiter = *cc_maildir_field_delimiter();
93 char *p = strrchr(path, c_maildir_field_delimiter);
94 if (p && mutt_str_startswith(p + 1, "2,"))
95 {
96 p += 3;
98 mutt_str_replace(&edata->custom_flags, p);
99 q = edata->custom_flags;
101 while (*p)
102 {
103 switch (*p)
104 {
105 case 'F': // Flagged
106 e->flagged = true;
107 break;
109 case 'R': // Replied
110 e->replied = true;
111 break;
113 case 'S': // Seen
114 e->read = true;
115 break;
117 case 'T': // Trashed
118 {
119 const bool c_flag_safe = cs_subset_bool(NeoMutt->sub, "flag_safe");
120 if (!e->flagged || !c_flag_safe)
121 {
122 e->trash = true;
123 e->deleted = true;
124 }
125 break;
126 }
128 default:
129 *q++ = *p;
130 break;
131 }
132 p++;
133 }
134 }
136 if (q == edata->custom_flags)
137 FREE(&edata->custom_flags);
138 else if (q)
139 *q = '\0';
bool cs_subset_bool(const struct ConfigSubset *sub, const char *name)
Get a boolean config item by name.
Definition: helpers.c:47
#define FREE(x)
Definition: memory.h:45
size_t mutt_str_startswith(const char *str, const char *prefix)
Check whether a string starts with a prefix.
Definition: string.c:230
char * mutt_str_replace(char **p, const char *s)
Replace one string with another.
Definition: string.c:280
char * path
Path of Email (for local Mailboxes)
Definition: email.h:70
bool trash
Message is marked as trashed on disk (used by the maildir_trash option)
Definition: email.h:53
Container for Accounts, Notifications.
Definition: neomutt.h:42
struct ConfigSubset * sub
Inherited config items.
Definition: neomutt.h:46
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ maildir_parse_message()

bool maildir_parse_message ( const char *  fname,
bool  is_old,
struct Email e 

Actually parse a maildir message.

fnameMessage filename
is_oldtrue, if the email is old (read)
eEmail to populate
Return values

This may also be used to fill out a fake header structure generated by lazy maildir parsing.

Definition at line 190 of file mailbox.c.

192 if (!fname || !e)
193 return false;
195 FILE *fp = mutt_file_fopen(fname, "r");
196 if (!fp)
197 return false;
199 bool rc = maildir_parse_stream(fp, fname, is_old, e);
200 mutt_file_fclose(&fp);
201 return rc;
#define mutt_file_fclose(FP)
Definition: file.h:149
#define mutt_file_fopen(PATH, MODE)
Definition: file.h:148
bool maildir_parse_stream(FILE *fp, const char *fname, bool is_old, struct Email *e)
Parse a Maildir message.
Definition: mailbox.c:153
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ maildir_parse_stream()

bool maildir_parse_stream ( FILE *  fp,
const char *  fname,
bool  is_old,
struct Email e 

Parse a Maildir message.

fpMessage file handle
fnameMessage filename
is_oldtrue, if the email is old (read)
Return values

Actually parse a maildir message. This may also be used to fill out a fake header structure generated by lazy maildir parsing.

Definition at line 153 of file mailbox.c.

155 if (!fp || !fname || !e)
156 return false;
158 const long size = mutt_file_get_size_fp(fp);
159 if (size == 0)
160 return false;
162 e->env = mutt_rfc822_read_header(fp, e, false, false);
164 if (e->received == 0)
165 e->received = e->date_sent;
167 /* always update the length since we have fresh information available. */
168 e->body->length = size - e->body->offset;
170 e->index = -1;
172 /* maildir stores its flags in the filename, so ignore the
173 * flags in the header of the message */
174 e->old = is_old;
175 maildir_parse_flags(e, fname);
177 return e;
struct Envelope * mutt_rfc822_read_header(FILE *fp, struct Email *e, bool user_hdrs, bool weed)
Parses an RFC822 header.
Definition: parse.c:1200
long mutt_file_get_size_fp(FILE *fp)
Get the size of a file.
Definition: file.c:1537
void maildir_parse_flags(struct Email *e, const char *path)
Parse Maildir file flags.
Definition: mailbox.c:82
LOFF_T offset
offset where the actual data begins
Definition: body.h:52
LOFF_T length
length (in bytes) of attachment
Definition: body.h:53
struct Envelope * env
Envelope information.
Definition: email.h:68
struct Body * body
List of MIME parts.
Definition: email.h:69
time_t date_sent
Time when the message was sent (UTC)
Definition: email.h:60
int index
The absolute (unsorted) message number.
Definition: email.h:110
time_t received
Time when the message was placed in the mailbox.
Definition: email.h:61
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ maildir_path_is_empty()

int maildir_path_is_empty ( struct Buffer path)

Is the mailbox empty.

pathMailbox to check
Return values
1Mailbox is empty
0Mailbox contains mail

Definition at line 57 of file path.c.

59 DIR *dir = NULL;
60 struct dirent *de = NULL;
61 int rc = 1; /* assume empty until we find a message */
62 char realpath[PATH_MAX] = { 0 };
63 int iter = 0;
65 /* Strategy here is to look for any file not beginning with a period */
67 do
68 {
69 /* we do "cur" on the first iteration since it's more likely that we'll
70 * find old messages without having to scan both subdirs */
71 snprintf(realpath, sizeof(realpath), "%s/%s", buf_string(path),
72 (iter == 0) ? "cur" : "new");
74 if (!dir)
75 return -1;
76 while ((de = readdir(dir)))
77 {
78 if (*de->d_name != '.')
79 {
80 rc = 0;
81 break;
82 }
83 }
84 closedir(dir);
85 iter++;
86 } while (rc && iter < 2);
88 return rc;
DIR * mutt_file_opendir(const char *path, enum MuttOpenDirMode mode)
Open a directory.
Definition: file.c:642
Create the directory if it doesn't exist.
Definition: file.h:75
#define PATH_MAX
Definition: mutt.h:42
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ maildir_rewrite_message()

int maildir_rewrite_message ( struct Mailbox m,
struct Email e 

Sync a message in an Maildir folder.

Return values

Definition at line 454 of file message.c.

456 if (!m || !e)
457 return -1;
459 bool restore = true;
461 long old_body_offset = e->body->offset;
462 long old_body_length = e->body->length;
463 long old_hdr_lines = e->lines;
465 struct Message *src = mx_msg_open(m, e);
466 struct Message *dest = mx_msg_open_new(m, e, MUTT_MSG_NO_FLAGS);
467 if (!src || !dest)
468 return -1;
470 int rc = mutt_copy_message(dest->fp, e, src, MUTT_CM_UPDATE, CH_UPDATE | CH_UPDATE_LEN, 0);
471 if (rc == 0)
472 {
473 char oldpath[PATH_MAX] = { 0 };
474 char partpath[PATH_MAX] = { 0 };
475 snprintf(oldpath, sizeof(oldpath), "%s/%s", mailbox_path(m), e->path);
476 mutt_str_copy(partpath, e->path, sizeof(partpath));
478 rc = maildir_commit_message(m, dest, e);
480 if (rc == 0)
481 {
482 unlink(oldpath);
483 restore = false;
484 }
485 }
486 mx_msg_close(m, &src);
487 mx_msg_close(m, &dest);
489 if ((rc == -1) && restore)
490 {
491 e->body->offset = old_body_offset;
492 e->body->length = old_body_length;
493 e->lines = old_hdr_lines;
494 }
497 return rc;
int mutt_copy_message(FILE *fp_out, struct Email *e, struct Message *msg, CopyMessageFlags cmflags, CopyHeaderFlags chflags, int wraplen)
Copy a message from a Mailbox.
Definition: copy.c:907
Update structs on sync.
Definition: copy.h:42
#define CH_UPDATE
Update the status and x-status fields?
Definition: copy.h:54
Update Lines: and Content-Length:
Definition: copy.h:64
void mutt_body_free(struct Body **ptr)
Free a Body.
Definition: body.c:58
static int maildir_commit_message(struct Mailbox *m, struct Message *msg, struct Email *e)
Commit a message to a maildir folder.
Definition: message.c:361
size_t mutt_str_copy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t dsize)
Copy a string into a buffer (guaranteeing NUL-termination)
Definition: string.c:581
int mx_msg_close(struct Mailbox *m, struct Message **ptr)
Close a message.
Definition: mx.c:1180
struct Message * mx_msg_open(struct Mailbox *m, struct Email *e)
Return a stream pointer for a message.
Definition: mx.c:1134
struct Message * mx_msg_open_new(struct Mailbox *m, const struct Email *e, MsgOpenFlags flags)
Open a new message.
Definition: mx.c:1040
No flags are set.
Definition: mx.h:38
struct Body * parts
parts of a multipart or message/rfc822
Definition: body.h:73
int lines
How many lines in the body of this message?
Definition: email.h:62
A local copy of an email.
Definition: message.h:34
FILE * fp
pointer to the message data
Definition: message.h:35
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ maildir_sync_mailbox_message()

bool maildir_sync_mailbox_message ( struct Mailbox m,
struct Email e,
struct HeaderCache hc 

Save changes to the mailbox.

hcHeader cache handle
Return values

Definition at line 312 of file message.c.

314 if (!e)
315 return false;
317 const bool c_maildir_trash = cs_subset_bool(NeoMutt->sub, "maildir_trash");
318 if (e->deleted && !c_maildir_trash)
319 {
320 char path[PATH_MAX] = { 0 };
321 snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", mailbox_path(m), e->path);
323 unlink(path);
324 }
325 else if (e->changed || e->attach_del ||
326 ((c_maildir_trash || e->trash) && (e->deleted != e->trash)))
327 {
328 if (maildir_sync_message(m, e) == -1)
329 return false;
330 }
332 if (e->changed)
335 return true;
int maildir_hcache_store(struct HeaderCache *hc, struct Email *e)
Save an Email to the Header Cache.
Definition: hcache.c:155
int maildir_hcache_delete(struct HeaderCache *hc, struct Email *e)
Delete an Email from the Header Cache.
Definition: hcache.c:81
static int maildir_sync_message(struct Mailbox *m, struct Email *e)
Sync an email to a Maildir folder.
Definition: message.c:217
bool attach_del
Has an attachment marked for deletion.
Definition: email.h:99
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ maildir_update_mtime()

void maildir_update_mtime ( struct Mailbox m)

Update our record of the Maildir modification time.


Definition at line 717 of file mailbox.c.

719 char buf[PATH_MAX] = { 0 };
720 struct stat st = { 0 };
723 snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", mailbox_path(m), "cur");
724 if (stat(buf, &st) == 0)
727 snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", mailbox_path(m), "new");
728 if (stat(buf, &st) == 0)
void mutt_file_get_stat_timespec(struct timespec *dest, struct stat *st, enum MuttStatType type)
Read the stat() time into a time value.
Definition: file.c:1579
File/dir's mtime - last modified time.
Definition: file.h:65
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function: