31#define LOG_LINE_MAX_LEN 10240
70typedef int (*
log_dispatcher_t)(time_t stamp,
const char *file,
int line,
const char *function,
enum LogLevel level,
const char *format, ...)
71__attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 6, 7)));
90#define mutt_debug(LEVEL, ...) MuttLogger(0, __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, LEVEL, __VA_ARGS__)
91#define mutt_warning(...) MuttLogger(0, __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, LL_WARNING, __VA_ARGS__)
92#define mutt_message(...) MuttLogger(0, __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, LL_MESSAGE, __VA_ARGS__)
93#define mutt_error(...) MuttLogger(0, __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, LL_ERROR, __VA_ARGS__)
94#define mutt_perror(...) MuttLogger(0, __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, LL_PERROR, __VA_ARGS__)
97#define log_multiline(LEVEL, STRING) log_multiline_full(LEVEL, STRING, __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__)
99int log_disp_file (time_t stamp,
const char *file,
int line,
const char *function,
enum LogLevel level,
const char *format, ...)
100 __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 6, 7)));
101int log_disp_queue (time_t stamp, const
char *file,
int line, const
char *function, enum
LogLevel level, const
char *format, ...)
102 __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 6, 7)));
104 __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 6, 7)));
int log_file_open(bool verbose)
Start logging to a file.
void log_queue_empty(void)
Free the contents of the queue.
int log_disp_file(time_t stamp, const char *file, int line, const char *function, enum LogLevel level, const char *format,...) __attribute__((__format__(__printf__
int(* log_dispatcher_t)(time_t stamp, const char *file, int line, const char *function, enum LogLevel level, const char *format,...) __attribute__((__format__(__printf__
void log_queue_set_max_size(int size)
Set a upper limit for the queue length.
int int log_disp_queue(time_t stamp, const char *file, int line, const char *function, enum LogLevel level, const char *format,...) __attribute__((__format__(__printf__
int log_file_set_level(enum LogLevel level, bool verbose)
Set the logging level.
bool log_file_running(void)
Is the log file running?
int int int log_disp_terminal(time_t stamp, const char *file, int line, const char *function, enum LogLevel level, const char *format,...) __attribute__((__format__(__printf__
int(*) log_dispatcher_ MuttLogger)
void log_multiline_full(enum LogLevel level, const char *str, const char *file, int line, const char *func)
Helper to dump multiline text to the log.
const struct LogLineList log_queue_get(void)
Get the Log Queue.
void log_queue_flush(log_dispatcher_t disp)
Replay the log queue.
int int int int log_queue_add(struct LogLine *ll)
Add a LogLine to the queue.
Names for the Logging Levels.
Log at debug level 4.
Log at debug level 3.
Log perror (using errno)
Log at debug level 5.
Log informational message.
Log at debug level 2.
Log at debug level 1.
Log of notifications.
void log_file_close(bool verbose)
Close the log file.
int log_file_set_filename(const char *file, bool verbose)
Set the filename for the log.
const char * LogLevelAbbr
Abbreviations of logging level names.
void log_file_set_version(const char *version)
Set the program's version number.
#define STAILQ_HEAD(name, type)
const char * file
Source file.
char * message
Message to be logged.
const char * function
C function.
int line
Line number in source file.
STAILQ_ENTRY(LogLine) entries
Linked list.
enum LogLevel level
Log level, e.g. LL_DEBUG1.
time_t time
Timestamp of the message.