35#define mutt_numeric_cmp(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? -1 : ((a) > (b) ? 1 : 0))
Convenience wrapper for the core headers.
Supported mailbox formats.
int mutt_compare_emails(const struct Email *a, const struct Email *b, enum MailboxType type, short sort, short sort_aux)
Compare two emails using up to two sort methods -.
const char * mutt_get_name(const struct Address *a)
Pick the best name to display from an address.
int(* sort_mail_t)(const struct Email *a, const struct Email *b, bool reverse)
void mutt_sort_order(struct Mailbox *m)
Sort emails by their disk order.
void mutt_sort_headers(struct MailboxView *mv, bool init)
Sort emails by their headers.
The envelope/body of an email.