66size_t mutt_wstr_trunc(
const char *src,
size_t maxlen,
size_t maxwid,
size_t *width);
Select a Mailbox from a list.
uint8_t SelectFileFlags
Flags for mutt_select_file(), e.g. MUTT_SEL_MAILBOX.
void mutt_edit_file(const char *editor, const char *file)
Let the user edit a file.
void mutt_flushinp(void)
Empty all the keyboard buffers.
size_t mutt_wstr_trunc(const char *src, size_t maxlen, size_t maxwid, size_t *width)
Work out how to truncate a widechar string.
size_t mutt_strnwidth(const char *s, size_t len)
Measure a string's width in screen cells.
void mutt_unget_string(const char *s)
Return a string to the input buffer.
void mutt_push_macro_event(int ch, int op)
Add the character/operation to the macro buffer.
struct KeyEvent mutt_getch(GetChFlags flags)
Read a character from the input buffer.
void mutt_paddstr(struct MuttWindow *win, int n, const char *s)
Display a string on screen, padded if necessary.
void mutt_unget_op(int op)
Return an operation to the input buffer.
void mutt_refresh(void)
Force a refresh of the screen.
int mutt_addwch(struct MuttWindow *win, wchar_t wc)
Addwch would be provided by an up-to-date curses library.
int mutt_any_key_to_continue(const char *s)
Prompt the user to 'press any key' and wait.
void mutt_need_hard_redraw(void)
Force a hard refresh.
void mutt_query_exit(void)
Ask the user if they want to leave NeoMutt.
void mutt_endwin(void)
Shutdown curses.
void mutt_beep(bool force)
Irritate the user.
size_t mutt_strwidth(const char *s)
Measure a string's width in screen cells.
void mutt_unget_ch(int ch)
Return a keystroke to the input buffer.
char * mutt_str_expand_tabs(char *str, size_t *len, int tabwidth)
Convert tabs to spaces in a string.
void mw_what_key(void)
Display the value of a key -.
int mw_enter_fname(const char *prompt, struct Buffer *fname, bool mailbox, struct Mailbox *m, bool multiple, char ***files, int *numfiles, SelectFileFlags flags)
Ask the user to select a file -.
uint8_t GetChFlags
Flags for mutt_getch(), e.g. GETCH_NO_FLAGS.
String manipulation buffer.
Input for the file completion function.
char *** files
List of files selected.
struct Mailbox * mailbox
bool multiple
Allow multiple selections.
int * numfiles
Number of files selected.
An event such as a keypress.
int op
Function opcode, e.g. OP_HELP.